Biznes WhatsApp z wieloma użytkownikami na wielu urządzeniach

WhatsApp Business is a popular messaging platform used by businesses to communicate with their customers. It allows businesses to send messages, share files, and offer customer support on a single platform. However, managing a WhatsApp Business account with multiple users on multiple devices can be a bit challenging. In this article, we will discuss how to use WhatsApp Business with multiple users on multiple devices.

Before we dive into the details, let’s understand the basics of WhatsApp Business. WhatsApp Business is a separate app designed specifically for businesses. It offers features like automated messages, quick replies, labels, and catalogues, which are not available on the regular WhatsApp app. Businesses can use WhatsApp Business to send important information, offers, and updates to their customers, and even receive orders and payments.

Now, let’s discuss how to manage a WhatsApp Business account with multiple users on multiple devices.

1. Create a WhatsApp Business Account

Download WhatsApp Business from your favorite store and create your account

2. Get WhatsApp API Access

Zapisać się na Online Live Support i uzyskaj pełny dostęp do WhatsApp API

3. Start Sending messages

Zeskanuj kod QR, aby uwierzytelnić swoją instancję i wysyłać wiadomości za pośrednictwem numeru WhatsApp

4. Third Party Tools

Several tools which help you manage your WhatsApp Business account with team management, automated replies, and customer insights: OnlineLiveSupport,, Chatwoot and Twilio.

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Can WhatsApp Business be used by multiple users?

Yes, WhatsApp Business can be used by multiple users

 Businesses can add multiple users to their WhatsApp Business account, allowing them to manage customer inquiries and respond to messages in a more efficient manner. Each user added to the WhatsApp Business account will have their own login credentials and will be able to access the account from their device.

Having multiple users on WhatsApp Business offers several benefits. For instance, businesses can delegate different tasks to different team members, such as responding to customer inquiries, sending out promotions, or managing the business profile. This can help streamline communication and increase productivity.

Can multiple users use WhatsApp Business on the same number?

WhatsApp Business can be used on the same number by multiple users, but there are some limitations and considerations to keep in mind. When multiple users are using the same number, they will not be able to use WhatsApp Business on different devices simultaneously. Additionally, businesses may want to consider creating separate WhatsApp Business accounts for different departments or teams to prevent confusion. But via Online Live Support, you can use multiple users using one WhatsApp number.

WhatsApp API

Get WhatsApp API Access

Coherent and Fast Communication

Aby korzystać z WhatsApp Business, musisz utworzyć osobne konto dla swojej firmy. Możesz pobrać aplikację WhatsApp Business ze sklepu Google Play lub Apple App Store i postępować zgodnie z instrukcjami, aby utworzyć konto.

Zapisać się on Online Live Support and get full WhatsApp API access!

WhatsApp for Business on Multiple Devices

Spójne i szybkie biznesy

The team inbox is accessible via multiple devices. Every of your colleague has its own personal account that has access to the team inbox in order to respond on inquires via WhatsApp messages. Whenever there is new inquiry or message on your WhatsApp number, all of the colleagues who has an account gets the email notification.

The portal is accessible via multiple browser and cross devices (via Mobile, Tablet, Desktop). This way you can be reached from anywhere in the world.

Difference between WhatsApp Business and personal account

WhatsApp Business can be used on multiple devices by using Online Live Support APIs, allowing multiple users to access the same account. To use WhatsApp Business on multiple devices, follow these steps:

Często zadawane pytania (FAQ)

Can Whatsapp Business be used on multiple devices?

  1. Zarejestruj się na bezpłatne konto próbne
  2. Połącz swój numer WhatsApp Business z pomocą online na żywo
  3. Zintegruj wsparcie online na żywo Pszczoła z Twoim rozwiązaniem CRM

How to connect WhatsApp Business with multiple agents via the API?

  1. Zarejestruj się na bezpłatne konto próbne
  2. Połącz swój numer WhatsApp Business z pomocą online na żywo
  3. Zintegruj wsparcie online na żywo Pszczoła z Twoim rozwiązaniem CRM

Why use WhatsApp for teams?

All of customer inquires via WhatsApp messages are available in the shared team inbox. The inbox help your colleagues to collaborate efficiently. They may able to pick up, assign a conversation, tag each other and chat internally. All of these possible without leaving the inbox. You may also automate the conversions via chatbot. Moreover, using WhatsApp Business via the team inbox, is that not each employee needs to use their private WhatsApp Business number to be reached out to. Your company business phone number can be used to communicate with customers.

Why use WhatsApp to communicate with customers?

Businesses may communicate with clients using WhatsApp and reach them wherever they are with nearly 100% open rates. The benefits of using WhatsApp don't just apply to businesses; data from a 2018 Facebook survey reveals that 67% of customers anticipate being able to contact businesses via at least one messaging app during the next two years.

Why WhatsApp for business on multiple devices?

The team inbox CRM solution is accessible via multiple devices. Every of your colleague has its own personal account that has access to the team inbox in order to respond on inquires via WhatsApp messages. Whenever there is new inquiry or message on your WhatsApp number, all of the colleagues who has an account gets the email notification. The portal is accessible via multiple browser and cross devices (via Mobile, Tablet, Desktop). This way you can be reached from anywhere in the world.

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